DB (UK) Pension Scheme

In case you have any questions or require any further information, please contact the Aon Administration Team on 0330 123 1209 (lines are open between 9.00am and 5.00pm, Monday to Friday except bank holidays).

Alternatively, you can email them at [email protected].


Since April 2015, the Trustees of the Scheme have been required to prepare an annual governance statement signed by the Chairman of the Scheme, known as the “Chairman’s Statement”, listed in the Important Documents section.


New regulations came into force on April 6, 2018, requiring additional information in relation to investment charges and core transaction costs to be made available online to members via the Chairman’s Statement. The Chairman’s Statement includes information on investment charges and core transaction costs on pages 12-16, along with greater explanation and illustration in effect of the investment charges and core transactions costs on members retirement savings on pages 3-9. We have also provided in the Important Documents a "Trustee Assessment" that provides a snapshot of the Chairman's Statement. This site contains the required information.

Also in the Important Documents section is the Statement of Investment Principles (SIP). The SIP is a written statement detailing the current investment strategy of the Scheme, investment objectives, risk management as well as the Trustee’s approach to financially material considerations, non-financial matters and policies on stewardship. The SIP is a regulatory requirement and is updated following any change to the investment strategy.
©DB (UK) Pension Scheme