Medical Defence Union Pension and Life Assurance Scheme Disclosure

In the event you wish to get in contact with the Scheme you can contact the Pensions Administrator by mail, email or by calling the number below:

Medical Defence Union Pension and Life Assurance Scheme,
Aon ,
PO Box 196,

Tel: 0330 123 2320
Email: [email protected]


Defined Contribution (DC) section of the Scheme

The Trustees believe that good governance is key to ensuring that the Scheme delivers good value and good outcomes for members. The Trustees therefore regularly review and update their governance processes and procedures to make sure that these comply with legislation and also meet industry best practice.

One method we use to report on core governance areas to our members is through an annual governance statement, called the "Chair's Statement" which considers the following areas over the course of each year:

  • Value the scheme delivers to its members
  • The investment strategy and its governance
  • Costs and charges deducted from members retirement pots
  • Illustration of the impact of costs and charges on members retirement pots
  • Accuracy and timing of scheme payments
  • Trustee knowledge and skills

If you have not previously viewed the Chair’s statement by request, you may be familiar with the first item as we update our members on our value assessment through the Member Newsletter.

Members can also access the Scheme’s “Statement of Investment Principles” and “Implementation Statement” which supports the governance of the second item shown above. These documents set out details of the Scheme’s current investment strategy (including that of the DC default investment strategy), responsibilities of the Trustees, objectives and monitoring processes in place for the Scheme’s investments.

Both The Chair’s Statement, and Statement of Investment Principles and Implementation Statement can all be accessed from the Important Documents section.

©Medical Defence Union Pension and Life Assurance Scheme